There is no greater insult to a sleep deprived mom than someone mocking her laments about sleep. Yes, when you haven’t had a good night’s sleep in a very, very, (did I say) very long time, it does consume your life. And I can appreciate how others may grow tired of hearing how tired I am. And I appreciate that while you may have had a late night or two, or a rough couple night’s sleep in the last month, you haven’t experience what it is like to have very few good night’s sleep in the past 9 months. Fair enough, I cannot expect you to truly understand this position that I am in. However, what I do hope for is for some understanding, a little sympathy, and at least a “sorry to hear you had another rough night”. What I don’t want to hear is, “sleep, sleep, sleep, that’s all you care about”!
Here is why a statement such as the one above hurts me so much,
1. I am sleep deprived and therefore, my emotions are quite close to my skin
2. 1. I too am sick of hearing myself complaining about my lack of sleep.
2. 2. I would love for it not to be the first thing I think of in the morning, and the last thing I am thinking about as I am trying to fall asleep…oh wait the baby is up again, better get a bottle, change the diaper, feed the baby try and get him down again…nope still not asleep, put the soother in again…finally able to sleep… oh wait the baby is up again…
3. 3.. Until you understand what it is like to go to bed every night knowing that you won’t get the rest your truly desire and need, don’t comment.
4. 4. While I may head to bed very early every night in effort to accumulate sleep, broken up sleep into 2 or 3 hour blocks sucks! I would gladly take a solid 6 hours over 4 2 hour stretches.
5. 5. A little appreciation and credit for what I go through would make it all worthwhile.
As someone who can totally sympathize, I commiserate & feel your pain. Sleep has completely consumed my life and I don't think that I've had a conversation that doesn't involve it in the last 9 months. I think I could have written your post word for word. I actually fear going to bed because I know that I am going to get woken up almost immediately and feel worse than if I had just stayed up. Hope we both get some rest soon.