Tuesday, September 1, 2009

She said... L & D, where is my trophy?

I will save you from all the gory details about our labour and delivery, I will just go over the "highlights".

First off, who ever came up with the "birth plan" last encounter with labour must of been when they came into the world, because it is an utter waste of time. We sat down and discussed our plan for how we wanted the labour to go. In the end none of what we had planned ended up happening. I thought I would walk the halls to speed up the progression of the labour. Well the last thing that I wanted to do was walk. I wanted an epidural. Couldn't get one. I was going to stay home as long as possible, but we went off the the hospital as soon as we could. I had this idea I would hold my son after my birth and we would have this "moment". However, my body had other plans and complications resulted in Seth being whisked away to his dads arms as the doctor continued to work on me. Having never gone through it before, we had no idea what to expect and therefore, how likely were we to be able to plan.

My husband was amazing through the entire process. He never left my side and was a constant source of support and encouragement. I wasn't entirely sure I wanted my mom with me, as she has been nursing for many years and I wasn't sure I would be tough enough for her. But in the end I was so thankful she was there to support Derek and I, and share in the birth of her grandson. Also, having her expertise was a comfort and you can never have enough hands to squeeze.

It did hurt, in a way I can't describe. But you do forget. What I remember is being more exhausted then I ever thought was humanly possible. I also thought I should of received some award. That the Publisher Clearing House crew should so up with flowers, and bouquets and a giant trophy congratulating me on completing such an amazing feat. However, very quickly you realize that it is no longer about you but it is now all about the baby.

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