Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Post baby body, not so bikini ready

For nine months you watch you body change in ways you didn't think was possible. Things grow, strech, and move about. I thought by 6 months post baby I would be more or less back to my pre-baby weight and feeling pretty good about what I saw in the mirror. The reflection I caught of myself the other day left a little or should I say alot to be desired.

I assumed that once the scale made its way back down to my prepregnancy weight my body would look more or less the same. However, the scale is only a number, it means nothing about what your body looks like under your clothes.

Somehow while giving labour I managed to not only push out my son but I lost my butt in the process too. I have never had much of a booty, but at least it used to have some shape. Now I got the infamous pancake bum. In consolation you would think losing your behind would result in a lower weight class. Nope. The number one mommy survioneur is the mommy tummy. It just hangs around your waist no matter what number of crunches you try to squeeeze in between feedings, diaper changes, pick ups and puts downs. Oh who are we kidding who has time to do crunches. Not to mention when you attempt a crunch you quickly realize how shot your core is. I don't understand how going throught the reigors of labour can destroy your core section. To me that should of been the ultimate workout and your core should be stronger for it. The tell tale sign that my core was shot came to me when I got into the plank pose in my yoga class
for the first time post baby. My yoga teacher genlty reminded the classes that if your breathe is uneven you have gone to far. Instead I found myself praying no one could feel the floor trememble benethe as I tried desperatly to hold my body in the pose.

But perhaps the most distrubing change to my body resulted after I weaned my son off. A couple weeks after I shut down the dairy, I got out of the shower and gasped. I am not kidding I did, I gasped. I caught my profile in the mirror and saw that my breasts weren't where they use to be. Not only had there location gone south but they also went east and west. It was like a pair of snowbirds on my chest one travelling to the Carolinas the other to Californina.

To try and disguise these body modifications I am very thankful for a great fitting bra, (girls get yourself fitted!), super tight tank tops, and jeans with great pockets. But beware, once you start to peel off those layers things will unravel right before your eyes.

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